First off, thanks to those of you who participated in our previous poll. We had over 350 participants and it was a close race up until the last day, where it was One-Handed Maces that made its final surge towards the finish line. A great finish, which leads us into our next evaluation in our progression towards patch 4.3 and Transmogrification: One-Handed Maces:
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Differentiation Analysis: One-Handed Maces (v1.0) |
The goal of our evaluations is to determine just how much visual parity there is among weaponry in the World of Warcraft, and where the niches lie that players can leverage as a means to visually differentiate themselves from their peers with Transmogrification in 4.3.
The chart you see to the left (click for larger image) represents every Epic, Rare and Uncommon One-Handed Mace model currently available in-game that can be transmogrified.
We have already removed a few items that Blizzard has deemed ineligible, so if you're looking for the Spider Splatter Mace, which is a great-looking frying pan complete with eggs, unfortunately Blizzard isn't going to let you humiliate Deathwing with it. Nor will they enable you to PvP with models of fish, such as the Rockhide Strongfish. In addition, some models may be categorized as being more "unique" than you believe they are. This is likely due to the fact that some of the recycled skins don't actually have any stats. And from what we gather, an item must have stats on it in order to be eligible for transmogrification.
Read on for our initial conclusions, our visual positioning analysis, the editors' picks and our map key to identify and link to the items reviewed here.
If you're familiar with the way we segment the models in this chart, feel free to jump to the next header and our initial conclusions.
For those of you who are new to Disenchanting Azeroth and our methodologies, we refer to the chart above as our Differentiation Analysis. We arrange each individual model (not each skin) horizontally by the expansion in which it was introduced to the game, and vertically by the number of weapons the model is recycled with a different skin. The more it is recycled, the lower we rank it because it likely means players have already seen too much of it. The less it is recycled, the more unique it is and thus the higher we rank it. The models in the first row retain exclusive rights to the model, as there is nothing else currently attainable in-game to match it, not even a Heroic recoloring of the skin. This is also a visual analysis of design language and form so the varying skins of color and texture available for each recycled model are not represented here.
Our Initial Conclusions
The horizontal axis here is a continuum of STATIC forms (rectilinear, sharp transitions) to FLUID forms (organic, smooth transitions). Basically, weapons on the left appear more stoic and angular and those on the right appear more organic and curved.
The goal here isn't to determine the exact placement of each individual weapon, rather it is to identify deltas between them as a means to draw some conclusions and inform our recommendations. For the sake of argument, we're also going to take Blizzard's "truly unique" One-Handed Maces from the top horizontal row in our Differentiation Analysis and cross reference them with this Visual Positioning matrix. This will let us know if the models that have maintained their exclusivity over time can actually stand out in the crowd (click for larger image).
Red ellipses identify a One-Handed Mace from the "truly unique" models that looks too much like the other weapons around it. In other words, the value of being an exclusive model doesn't do it much good if its aesthetic is too similar to its peers. A great example here is the Shockwave Truncheon (24, 52), an epic drop from Murmur in the Shadow Labyrinth (Heroic). There are just too many other maces that visually compete with it for it to stand out in a crowd.
Green ellipses identify a One-Handed Mace from the "truly unique" models that is far enough from the mass of parity that it should be able to maintain its identity. Equip one of these, and you're more likely to stand out among your peers. A great example here is Fool's Bane (48, 25) an epic drop from Terestian Illhoof in Karazhan. It's extroverted enough to separate it from the central pack, but not enough to land it in the one above it.
Our Final Conclusions
The chart you see to the left (click for larger image) represents every Epic, Rare and Uncommon One-Handed Mace model currently available in-game that can be transmogrified.
We have already removed a few items that Blizzard has deemed ineligible, so if you're looking for the Spider Splatter Mace, which is a great-looking frying pan complete with eggs, unfortunately Blizzard isn't going to let you humiliate Deathwing with it. Nor will they enable you to PvP with models of fish, such as the Rockhide Strongfish. In addition, some models may be categorized as being more "unique" than you believe they are. This is likely due to the fact that some of the recycled skins don't actually have any stats. And from what we gather, an item must have stats on it in order to be eligible for transmogrification.
Read on for our initial conclusions, our visual positioning analysis, the editors' picks and our map key to identify and link to the items reviewed here.
If you're familiar with the way we segment the models in this chart, feel free to jump to the next header and our initial conclusions.
For those of you who are new to Disenchanting Azeroth and our methodologies, we refer to the chart above as our Differentiation Analysis. We arrange each individual model (not each skin) horizontally by the expansion in which it was introduced to the game, and vertically by the number of weapons the model is recycled with a different skin. The more it is recycled, the lower we rank it because it likely means players have already seen too much of it. The less it is recycled, the more unique it is and thus the higher we rank it. The models in the first row retain exclusive rights to the model, as there is nothing else currently attainable in-game to match it, not even a Heroic recoloring of the skin. This is also a visual analysis of design language and form so the varying skins of color and texture available for each recycled model are not represented here.
Our Initial Conclusions
- The value of "exclusivity" since The Burning Crusade has lessened. Sixteen (16) "truly unique" models have retained exclusive rights to their geometry over time. This segmentation was cut by 75% going into Wrath of the Lich King, as Blizzard opted to spread the love around a bit more, maintaining their overall pace of models developed for the new content, but increasing models that shared their wireframe and reducing the "truly unique" models down to four (4). So if your gut was feeling like you've seen a given model more than once, you'd be right because there are only a few exceptions. This dispersing of model designs across the game is likely one of the root causes of what players today refer to as "everything looking similar."
- Cataclysm is not likely to match previous numbers. At this stage of Cataclysm, the number of individual models from Wrath of the Lich King nearly doubles that of current content. If Deathwing is coming in patch 4.3 and the end of the current expansion is upon us, the odds that we'll see a sudden surge in new One-Handed Mace designs are unlikely. That being said, Blizzard could certainly alter their approach and not only surprise players with a bounty in 4.3, but also release additional content post-4.3 with more models. Time will tell.
So is our differentiation analysis enough to determine what you should be using for a One-Handed Mace to stand out from your peers? In short, no. Which brings us to our next exercise, a qualitative, visual analysis of all of the models represented above. If you're familiar with the way we segment this matrix, feel free to jump to the next header and our final conclusions.
For those of you who are new to Disenchanting Azeroth and our methodologies, we refer to the chart below as our Visual Positioning Analysis (click for larger image). We use this matrix as a means to provide a visual landscape to what is currently attainable in-game for Transmogrification.
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Visual Positioning Analysis: One-Handed Swords (v1.0) |
The vertical axis here is a continuum of INTROVERTED forms (singular geometry, quiet) to EXTROVERTED forms (multiple, intersecting geometry, loud). Basically, weapons at the bottom of the matrix are visually much quieter than those at the top.
The horizontal axis here is a continuum of STATIC forms (rectilinear, sharp transitions) to FLUID forms (organic, smooth transitions). Basically, weapons on the left appear more stoic and angular and those on the right appear more organic and curved.
The goal here isn't to determine the exact placement of each individual weapon, rather it is to identify deltas between them as a means to draw some conclusions and inform our recommendations. For the sake of argument, we're also going to take Blizzard's "truly unique" One-Handed Maces from the top horizontal row in our Differentiation Analysis and cross reference them with this Visual Positioning matrix. This will let us know if the models that have maintained their exclusivity over time can actually stand out in the crowd (click for larger image).
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Visual Positioning: "Truly Unique" Models |
Green ellipses identify a One-Handed Mace from the "truly unique" models that is far enough from the mass of parity that it should be able to maintain its identity. Equip one of these, and you're more likely to stand out among your peers. A great example here is Fool's Bane (48, 25) an epic drop from Terestian Illhoof in Karazhan. It's extroverted enough to separate it from the central pack, but not enough to land it in the one above it.
Our Final Conclusions
- This plethora of models does not cater well to personalization. There are over 100 individual models depicted here, and the majority of them land in the central vicinity of the matrix. This is due, in part, to the intersecting nature of a mace in that we're not likely to find an extremely introverted design because it's intersecting geometry by design. That being said, it would be nice to see a bit more overall diversification in the landscape.
- A few of the most unique items are going to be difficult to obtain. The three stages of Dragonstrike (75, 15) craftable by Blacksmiths who obtained the patterns prior to Cataclysm, are likely to be exceptionally rare. In addition, the Hammer of Purified Flame (65, 30) requires a Battered Hilt to obtain, and can only be acquired once.
- The door continues to remain open for the Emerald Dream. We've pointed out in our previous model reviews how the majority of landscape to the right in the matrix is untouched. There is a great deal of opportunity here for the Blizzard art team to shift the visual style of weaponry such as One-Handed Maces away from the existing parity and into more organic and fluid designs. We believe this is another sign of potential opportunity that an upcoming expansion will, indeed, be the Emerald Dream.
We hope you've enjoyed our review of One-Handed Maces. If your goal is to truly take advantage of Transmogrification in patch 4.3 and stand out among your peers, we encourage you to reference these charts. For those players desiring a kickstart to their selection, we've included our editors' picks below based on our analysis. And remember, a map key identifying all of the models reviewed here, as well as links to WoWhead and the actual items, can be located below our editors' picks. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more content here at Disenechanting Azeroth.
See you soon!
The following models are in no particular order:
1) Sand Polished Hammer, potential drop from Ossirian the Unscarred in the Ruins of Ahn Qiraj. Though it shares its model with two other items, the alternatives may be difficult for players to acquire. There are a few other enlarged hammers in the vicinity of this one, but we like how this maintains a unique identity with the chain and asymmetrical head. Sure, the hammer off Kil'Jaeden is going to be rare, but the reality is it's not much different from other hammer models available, whereas this model is going to be more of a sustainable eye-catcher.
2) Infection Repulser, a potential drop from Grobbulus and Gluth in Naxxramas. This model was resurrected with Naxxramas and remains the only means by which you can currently acquire the look. We've included it as part of our editors' picks because it's staying true to its rectilinear form. Where other models carry a slightly worn look, this maintains crisp, sharp edges and corners. It is this aesthetic quality that will enable this model to sustain its visual appeal over time. Throw in some cobwebs and the iconography and it's easy to reconsider this item as a real beauty.
3) Dragonstrike, the third stage of a weapon craftable by Blacksmiths who learned the pattern pre-Cataclysm. This weapon remains the most extrovert/fluid One-Handed Mace available in-game, and as such has carved out a real niche for itself. A highly desirable item, and incredibly frustrating if you never learned the pattern.
4) Brutal Gladiator's Bonecracker, a PvP item the jury is still out on. We'll provide an update soon as to whether or not this item is, in fact, still available in-game. According to WoWhead, it is. With so many hammer-style maces available, we knew we were going to have a few land in our editors' picks. As such, we wanted to make sure those we selected were not only differentiated enough from the masses, but also unique enough from each other here. The Bonecracker/Pummeler model is a great combination of two different visual themes throttled into one. Sure to stand out in a crowd not only because of its size, but also due to its organically-stuffed crystal shards clustered into the head.
5) Fool's Bane, a potential drop from Terestian Illhoof in Karazhan. We predict a resurgence of this model for a few reasons. One, it's in a raid that is relatively easy to clear. Two, it's the only model in-game of its kind. Three, the model is unique enough from a visual standpoint that it is likely to maintain its identity over time and enable a player to carve out a real niche for themselves. It's a great entry point for those looking to Transmogrify their One-Handed Maces.
6) Torch of Holy Fire, potential drop from Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas. It's easy to forget what some of the models from recent content actually look like, since so many of them are often lost amidst the ever-growing particles of the latest weapon enchants. We've been in discussions here regarding that very issue with the Torch, as most of us recall the glow healers usually placed on it, rather than what the model actually looked like - which is a shame because the form really does have a lot to offer.
7) Stinger of Ayamiss, a potential drop from Ayamiss the Hunter in the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. The models out of AQ in some cases really are some of the most unique in-game in terms of how well they stand out from the crowd. That being said, they are likely to force players into "love" or "hate" camps since items like the Stinger are so visually different from everything else available. Dare to be different.
8) Mace of the Sacrificed, a potential drop from Daakara in the updated dungeon of Zul'Aman. We're not super hot on recommending weapons from current content, for fear of being perceived by some players as simply wearing the item for stat purposes. That being said, it's a sacrificed goblin head on a stick, c'mon. With plenty of skulls adorning so many items in-game, One-Handed Maces included, at least Daakara had the fashion foresight to use the proper oils on this little goblin to preserve his melon.
9) Hammer of Purified Flame, an optional reward from the Battered Hilt questline. From what we can ascertain, this was an optional reward for non sword-wielding players turning in the Battered Hilt. If that's the case, how many players A) Actually acquired the item, B) Still have the item, or C) Have a Battered Hilt on hand to begin the questline. Long story short, this could be exceptionally rare. Combine that with the fact that it performed quite well in our Visual Positioning exercise, and you've got a potential ringer for Transmogrification.
10) Hammer of Judgement, a potential drop from trash mobs in the Battle of Mount Hyjal in the Caverns of Time. In our editors' picks for obvious reasons, since it is visually quite unique. It shares its model with the Hammer of Atonement, which we reviewed as part of our analysis, but we elected to go with the Judgement version for our editors' picks because its color scheme is a real eye-catcher. Similar in theme to some weapons we identified in our staves article, the floating elements in this model really help set it apart. This is an ideal weapon to which you can assemble a matching outfit.
And if you must: Lifeforce Hammer, a BoE craftable by Blacksmiths with the Wrath of the Lich King pattern. If you're a player that finds the majority of weapons in the central region desirable, then might we suggest this little beauty. At least with this One-Handed Mace, you have some nice, fluid elements amidst just as many stoic, linear elements. From a form standpoint it's not enough to make it truly pop, but its detailing and elegant handle certainly set it apart from those immediately surrounding it.
Map Key (Currently populating, refresh 5min)
130. Mace of the Sacrificed
129. Mace of Calculated Loss
128. Efficiency Spell Mace
127. Ko'gun, Hammer of the Firelord
126. Mace of Acrid Death
125. Twilight's Hammer
124. Shatterskull Bonecrusher
123. Hammer of Sparks
122. Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
121. Lightforged Elementium Hammer
120. Death Pyre Mace
119. Dathrohan's Mace
118. Gurgthock's Garish Gorebat
117. Downfall Hammer
116. Vicious Gladiator's Bonecracker
115. Dragonscorn Mace
114. Ruthless Gladiator's Bonecracker
113. Angerfang Mace
112. Barrel Opener
111. The Impossible Dream
110. Torch Of Holy Fire
109. Hammer Of Purified Flame
108. Hammer of the Astral Plane
107. Hateful Gladiator's Bonecracker
106. Blackhorn Bludgeon
105. Totemic Purification Rod
104. Tankard O' Terror
103. The Grinder
102. Mariel's Sorrow
101. Ice Spire Scepter
100. Titansteel Bonecrusher
99. Aesuga, Hand of the Ardent Champion
98. Angry Dread
97. Aledar's Battlestar
96. Black Icicle
95. Lifeforce Hammer
94. Pulse Baton
93. Guiding Star
92. Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Gavel
91. Bloodcrush Cudgel
90. Royal Scepter of Terenas II
89. Mace of the Earthborn Chieftain
88. Argent Resolve
87. Dragonjaw Mauler
86. Bonebreaker Scepter
85. Crimson Cranium Crusher
84. Gutbuster
83. Lockjaw
82. Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Bonecracker
81. Beguiling Scepter
80. Cudgel of Saronite Justice
79. Brass-Bound Cudgel
78. Adamant Mallet
77. Coilfang Hammer of Renewal
76. Gavel of Naaru Blessings
75. Hammer of Sanctification
74. Truncheon of Five Hells
73. Glorious Scepter
72. Mallet of the Tides
71. Bloodskull Destroyer
70. Fool's Bane
69. Lightfathom Scepter
68. Shockwave Truncheon
67. Crystal Spire of Karabor
66. Shard of the Virtuous
65. Rod of the Sun King
64. Drakefist Hammer
63. Dragonmaw
62. Dragonstrike
61. Light's Justice
60. Hammer of Atonement
59. Brutal Gladiator's Gavel
58. Brutal Gladiator's Bonecracker
57. Swiftsteel Bludgeon
56. Cudgel of Consecration
55. Archon's Gavel
54. Silvermoon War-Mace
53. Will of the Fallen Exarch
52. Battle-Mace of the High Priestess
51. Blackout Truncheon
50. Battlemace of the Order
49. Blackfathom Mace
48. Hurley's Tankard
47. Amani Scepter of Rites
46. Torch of Austen
45. Stinger of Ayamiss
44. Maexxna's Femur
43. Infection Repulser
42. Supposed Mace
41. Tethis' Skull
40. Cookie's Tenderizer
39. Wirt's Third Leg
38. Preserver's Cudgel
37. Spineshatter
36. The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min
35. Gurubashi Punisher
34. Hand of Edward the Odd
33. Blessed Qiraji War Hammer
32. Chopped Off Ancient Limb
31. Engineer's Hammer
30. Deadwood Sledge
29. Might of Hakkar
28. Face Smasher
27. Scepter of the False Prophet
26. Hammer of the Vesper
25. Grand Marshal's Punisher
24. High Warlord's Battle Mace
23. Aurastone Hammer
22. Anvilmar Hammer
21. Stonesplinter Mace
20. Bashguuder
19. Shovel of Mercy
18. The Jaw Breaker
17. Weighted Sap
16. Hand of Righteousness
15. Bonesnapper
14. Skorn's Hammer
13. Energetic Rod
12. Baron's Scepter
11. Looming Gavel
10. Anubisath Warhammer
9. Skeletal Club
8. Hammer of Revitalization
7. Ebony Boneclub
6. Fight Club
5. Runic Hammer
4. Hammer of the Northern Wind
3. Crested Scepter
2. Persuader
1. Cookie's Meat Mallet
130. Mace of the Sacrificed
129. Mace of Calculated Loss
128. Efficiency Spell Mace
127. Ko'gun, Hammer of the Firelord
126. Mace of Acrid Death
125. Twilight's Hammer
124. Shatterskull Bonecrusher
123. Hammer of Sparks
122. Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
121. Lightforged Elementium Hammer
120. Death Pyre Mace
119. Dathrohan's Mace
118. Gurgthock's Garish Gorebat
117. Downfall Hammer
116. Vicious Gladiator's Bonecracker
115. Dragonscorn Mace
114. Ruthless Gladiator's Bonecracker
113. Angerfang Mace
112. Barrel Opener
111. The Impossible Dream
110. Torch Of Holy Fire
109. Hammer Of Purified Flame
108. Hammer of the Astral Plane
107. Hateful Gladiator's Bonecracker
106. Blackhorn Bludgeon
105. Totemic Purification Rod
104. Tankard O' Terror
103. The Grinder
102. Mariel's Sorrow
101. Ice Spire Scepter
100. Titansteel Bonecrusher
99. Aesuga, Hand of the Ardent Champion
98. Angry Dread
97. Aledar's Battlestar
96. Black Icicle
95. Lifeforce Hammer
94. Pulse Baton
93. Guiding Star
92. Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Gavel
91. Bloodcrush Cudgel
90. Royal Scepter of Terenas II
89. Mace of the Earthborn Chieftain
88. Argent Resolve
87. Dragonjaw Mauler
86. Bonebreaker Scepter
85. Crimson Cranium Crusher
84. Gutbuster
83. Lockjaw
82. Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Bonecracker
81. Beguiling Scepter
80. Cudgel of Saronite Justice
79. Brass-Bound Cudgel
78. Adamant Mallet
77. Coilfang Hammer of Renewal
76. Gavel of Naaru Blessings
75. Hammer of Sanctification
74. Truncheon of Five Hells
73. Glorious Scepter
72. Mallet of the Tides
71. Bloodskull Destroyer
70. Fool's Bane
69. Lightfathom Scepter
68. Shockwave Truncheon
67. Crystal Spire of Karabor
66. Shard of the Virtuous
65. Rod of the Sun King
64. Drakefist Hammer
63. Dragonmaw
62. Dragonstrike
61. Light's Justice
60. Hammer of Atonement
59. Brutal Gladiator's Gavel
58. Brutal Gladiator's Bonecracker
57. Swiftsteel Bludgeon
56. Cudgel of Consecration
55. Archon's Gavel
54. Silvermoon War-Mace
53. Will of the Fallen Exarch
52. Battle-Mace of the High Priestess
51. Blackout Truncheon
50. Battlemace of the Order
49. Blackfathom Mace
48. Hurley's Tankard
47. Amani Scepter of Rites
46. Torch of Austen
45. Stinger of Ayamiss
44. Maexxna's Femur
43. Infection Repulser
42. Supposed Mace
41. Tethis' Skull
40. Cookie's Tenderizer
39. Wirt's Third Leg
38. Preserver's Cudgel
37. Spineshatter
36. The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min
35. Gurubashi Punisher
34. Hand of Edward the Odd
33. Blessed Qiraji War Hammer
32. Chopped Off Ancient Limb
31. Engineer's Hammer
30. Deadwood Sledge
29. Might of Hakkar
28. Face Smasher
27. Scepter of the False Prophet
26. Hammer of the Vesper
25. Grand Marshal's Punisher
24. High Warlord's Battle Mace
23. Aurastone Hammer
22. Anvilmar Hammer
21. Stonesplinter Mace
20. Bashguuder
19. Shovel of Mercy
18. The Jaw Breaker
17. Weighted Sap
16. Hand of Righteousness
15. Bonesnapper
14. Skorn's Hammer
13. Energetic Rod
12. Baron's Scepter
11. Looming Gavel
10. Anubisath Warhammer
9. Skeletal Club
8. Hammer of Revitalization
7. Ebony Boneclub
6. Fight Club
5. Runic Hammer
4. Hammer of the Northern Wind
3. Crested Scepter
2. Persuader
1. Cookie's Meat Mallet