[Updated 5.12.12]
The following pics are direct from the Mists of Pandaria Beta files, highlighting those from the latest build first and the earlier builds towards the end of the post, so this is chronological. And while a number of these are clearly designed for player use (models listed as *panstart, *panprog, etc.) a few of these could very well be NPC only such as the landscaping polearms. That said if you've passed through Disenchanting Azeroth before, you're well aware Blizzard recycles weapon models regularly so who knows - time will tell!
Clearly there will be more to come from the Mists of Pandaria Beta and the eventual release in terms of weapons and shields, but it's great getting a first look at the art style Blizzard is progressing into with the next expansion
MoP Polearm Model |