Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mists of Pandaria Beta : New Weapon & Shield Models

[Updated 5.12.12]

The following pics are direct from the Mists of Pandaria Beta files, highlighting those from the latest build first and the earlier builds towards the end of the post, so this is chronological. And while a number of these are clearly designed for player use (models listed as *panstart, *panprog, etc.) a few of these could very well be NPC only such as the landscaping polearms. That said if you've passed through Disenchanting Azeroth before, you're well aware Blizzard recycles weapon models regularly so who knows - time will tell!

Clearly there will be more to come from the Mists of Pandaria Beta and the eventual release in terms of weapons and shields, but it's great getting a first look at the art style Blizzard is progressing into with the next expansion

MoP Polearm Model

MoP Bow Model
Staff Model
Polearm Model
Staff Model
Staff Model

Shield Model
PvP 1H Mace
MoP PVP 1H Sword Model
MoP PVP Staff Model
MoP PVP Staff Model
MoP PVP Staff Model
MoP PVP Polearm Model
MoP PVP OH Model
MoP PvP Dagger
MoP PvP Dagger
MoP PvP Bow
MoP PvP 2H Sword
MoP PvP 2H Mace
MoP PvP 2H Axe
MoP PvP 1H Mace
MoP PvP 1H Axe
Dagger Model
Dagger Model
Shield Model
Shield Model
Staff Model

MoP 1H Axe Model

MoP 1H Axe Model
MoP Panda Fishing Pole
MoP 1H Mace Model
MoP 1H Mace Model
MoP 1H Mace Model
MoP Dagger Model
MoP 1H Mace
MoP 2H Sword
(Unconfirmed) Staff_2H_PvP410_c_01

 Mists of Pandaria Beta: New Sword Models
Mists of Pandaria Beta: New Dagger Models
Mists of Pandaria Beta: New Polearm Models
Mists of Pandaria Beta: New Mace Models
Mists of Pandaria Beta: New Ranged Models


  1. I will take that wooden rake polearm and show the world (of Warcraft) a new sort of terror.

  2. I love that lower shield model... so. friggin. awesome. I hope it is relatively large... and not puny.

  3. the 2nd shield looks like some vanilla shields, i hope its for casters so i dont have to wear that ugly thing :S

    1. with transmog it hardly matters anyway =D

  4. I disappointed there isn't a Dadao (look up Chinese War sword) then again I guess blizzard didn't want another Ashbringer :/

  5. I'm Honestly disapointed so far, the Polearm Axe was the only ones I felt had a "Refined" feeling to it, all the other gives of a very "Brutal" feeling to me.

  6. Let's not beat around the bush here... This gear looks like ass.

  7. The Rake was taken out with the beta as a weapon/transmog it's only used for farming now...

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